Rock Paper Scissors … EXTREME

Any fans of rock paper scissors out there … no? Oh well, I thought this was cool anyway … rock paper scissors 15, that’s right FIFTEEN different hand gestures and rock paper scissors 25, that’s right TWENTY FIVE muthafuckin’ hand gestures!

That’s some hard core shiiit right there maan!

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  1. Hey stranger – sorry I haven’t been by in waay too long! Never got that the whole Rocks Paper Scissors thing though!

  2. Curly…good to hear from you .. and congrats on been shortlisted by the way, well deserved!!

  3. Thanks, the shortlising was honestly a bolt from the blue – you could have knocked me with a feather but lovely all the same.

  4. At times I have struggled with X’s & O’s and at a stretch Rock, Paper Scissors but good frikin’ Jaezus H…. 25 variations of hand signals! It must be easier to learn sign language or brail even! Feelin’ dizzy….

  5. Curly, deffo great to get it, nice bit of publicity too :)

    Quickroute, welcome to the site. I know what you mean, you’d have to play with the diagram beside you for reference.