A must-have Firefox extension

I just discovered a new Firefox extension, Firebug.

“Firebug integrates with Firefox to put a wealth of development tools at your fingertips while you browse. You can edit, debug, and monitor CSS, HTML, and JavaScript live in any web page.”

If you’re any way interested in web design this extension is very simply a must-have extension. I have been playing with it for the last hour while trying to debug some CSS and i’m amazed at the amount of work which went into it. It’s outstanding, go get it.

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  1. Looks v useful. One question: surely some sites (eg banks) that don’t want you to see how their pages are coded would not be happy with the use of such tools? Could this be used for hacking?

  2. Nah, everytime you view a website you download (and therefore are free to view) the client side source code, this applies to all web sites. You never get near the real code on the server. This extension just makes the job of viewing source code a lot easier.

  3. Ah, I see. Cheers.

  4. You shuld also check out the StumbleUpon (StumbleUpon.com) extension. It allows you to “channel surf” the internet. It’s great for when you are bored or looking for sites that fit into a specific category.

  5. Welcome to the site Tyler. I used to have the StumbleUpon extension, but on a lap top the toolbar was taking up too much screen space. I like my browser very minimal. It’s a good extension though, I had great fun with it for a while.

  6. I installed the Firebug as soon as I read this post (see I trust your opinion!) and it really turned out to be invaluable when configuring our new layout for the new Blogger. No more of that View Source -cr&p, thanks for the tip.

    Everyone here wishing a Very Happy New Year to you and yours!