Holiday Prize for Sale

We just won a holiday today on a scratch card. Problem is it’s for one person so it’s no good to me.
So if you fancy the prize; return flights from Dublin to Prague, 6 nights hotel accommodation on a twin share basis for 1 person I’m willing to sell the ticket very cheap. Make me an offer!
Closing date to claim the prize is 31 December and the last travel date is March 2007.

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  1. Could you not just keep it and wait for your next winning card for a second flight to Prague? ;-)

  2. Nice :)

    I never win prizes :(

  3. I once won €250 at Shelbourne Park with a €1 jackpot bet. It’s still beyond me how I managed to guess 4 consecutive winners but it sure got exciting after the first 2 had won. I had no concept of what makes a dog a winner so it was as random as if I’d had to choose 4 correct raffle tickets to win. That probably used up all my prize draw luck for the rest of my life.

  4. Damn, good idea Antonio, why didn’t I think of that !?! :)

    I rarely win anything Michele. With this thingy, for every other prize they had a cash alternative but now not this one, feckers. A few hundred in cash would be grand coming up to the christmas.

    250 from 1 was a nice return! I’ve never won anything on any kind of racing, dog or otherwise.
    A friend of mine was the worst luck when it comes to racing. One year he put on 4 bets and 3 of the horses he picked either died or had to be put down :)