Greece plane crash

No doubt you’ve seen this by now. A short time ago a plane crashed in Greece, just north of Athens, with 121 people on board. More than likely everyone on board had died, I can’t imagine anyone could have survived. Originally there were a few theories being thrown around from terrorism to failure of the ventilation systems, though it appears that a sudden drop in cabin pressure probably caused the pilots to lose consciousness. Two F-16′s, who were scrambled after the plane lost contact with the control tower, reported that the pilot wasn’t to be seen and the co-pilot was slumped over his seat. One passenger sent a text message to his cousin simply saying “Farewell cousin we’re freezing,”. Hopefully more news soon.
Some extra info from Breaking News.

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  1. I actually hadn’t heard of this. Very sad news indeed. Doesn’t appear to be terrorism not that that makes it any less horrific of course.