Category Archives: Internet

Web 2.0? I haven’t finished the first one yet!

The term Web 2.0 has been floating around for a couple of years now and until a while ago I had absolutely no idea what it meant. “Could it be another version of the internet?” thought I. Perhaps a parallel internet so we’d have de current internet and then anudder internet because 2 internets is [...]

Irish Blog Awards 2007

It’s nearly that time of year again … no, not Christmas … well yeah it is, but I mean it’s nearly Irish blog awards time again and the bauld Damien Mulley is already starting to get things organised. What a man I tell ya, what a man! They’ll be looking for sponsors so if you [...]

A must-have Firefox extension

I just discovered a new Firefox extension, Firebug. “Firebug integrates with Firefox to put a wealth of development tools at your fingertips while you browse. You can edit, debug, and monitor CSS, HTML, and JavaScript live in any web page.” If you’re any way interested in web design this extension is very simply a must-have [...]

One reason I love Firefox

I had a bit of a mishap yesterday. I installed Firefox on a PC at work, installed the Foxmarks extension to download my bookmarks which are stored online, changed my mind, disabled the extension (but forgot to restart) and deleted the bookmarks. When I got home I noticed that Foxmarks had overwritten the online bookmark [...]

My earliest blog posts

Time for just one more tonight. I was scouring through my domain earlier, trying to delete a lot of old shit which is taking up space on my server when I found some of my earliest blog posts. This post may or may not be my first but it was definitely one of the earliest [...]

Internet Exploder

Is it worth mentioning that IE7 has been officially released? Worth mentioning perhaps but not worth linking to so I won’t. I have been using IE7 Beta 2 for months … wait … what am I saying?!? … I’ve had it installed for months but have only used it to test it out *phew*. I [...]

Firefox party in Dublin

Anyone heading to (or even know about) the Firefox 2 launch party in Dublin next month? It’s being organised by a company called Segala and is provisionally booked for the 14th November in the Dakota bar on South William Street (not far from St.Stephen’s Green). Free drinks they claim! Very tempting!

Web rage in the UK

Interesting case this. A man in the UK has been found guilty of what appears to be the UK’s first incident of web rage. Apparently two guys got into an argument on a chat room and traded insults. Once of the men then tracked down the other, drove to his house in Essex and beat [...]

Google Docs & Spreadsheets

I just noticed on c|net that Google have combined Writely & Spreadsheets to create Google Docs & Spreadsheets. An obvious move I suppose, it’s already online if you want to check it out. What’s next I wonder, combine it with Page Creator? Another way to share your documents through your Google manufactured web page hosted [...]

Smart not gone yet

It looks like i’ll be staying with Smart for the forseable future then. As far as I know phone customers have two weeks to find another provider but Smart will continue to provide broadband. And to make up for the recent problems all broadband customers get a 3Mb speed upgrade for the rest of the [...]